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How to Find a New Career

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There are many things you can do to be successful if you're looking for a new career. First of all, you need to map out a rough direction. First, think about your strengths. Are you able to excel in a specific field? Are you able to transfer your skills into another area?

Informational interviewing

Informational interviews can be a great method to find a new job. Not only is it an effective way to get a job, but it can also help you build your network. Referrals make up 80% of all job openings. Your chances of finding the right job for you will increase if you expand your network. You should behave like a businessperson when conducting informational interviews. Be professional, present yourself as a businessperson and explain why you are interested in the job.

Informational interviews usually involve talking to someone who has experience in the same job as you about what they do. Often, it's a former employer or professor who has experience in the field you're interested in. These contacts can offer a wealth of information and help you make a decision about whether it is the right career.

Take an aptitude test

A talent test can be a great way for you to evaluate your personality and work preferences if you're thinking about a career change. For example, the Career Match Interest Test measures your personality, interests, communication, and team-building abilities. This information can help you find high-paying career opportunities in over 1000 industries.

career advice questions for career networking

Aptitude tests are a popular means of career assessment. These tests are a collection of questions that measures a person’s aptitude for certain tasks. The test asks questions about previous experience, education background, and skills.

Identifying transferable skills

It is vital to know your transferable skills when you are looking for a career change. These skills can help you narrow down your options and make a better career plan. These skills can be found by looking at job descriptions and speaking with people in the industry. Then, think about how you have demonstrated these skills in the past.

Nearly all jobs require that you use technology. You need to be able learn quickly new skills. Employers are looking for people who are open to learning new skills. Your resume, cover letter and interview can contain transferable skills.

Get support from family and friends

Support from family and close friends is important if you're looking to make a career switch. By writing a strong cover letter, reaching out and networking with contacts, your friends can support you. They can also offer emotional support. Families and friends should also be informed about your decision to change careers.

It can be difficult to tell loved ones about a career change. Your loved ones' reactions could make it more difficult or easier. Here are seven ways you can tell your friends and family about the new decision.

career changes

You can identify your legacy at work and signal that it is time to move on with your career.

When your career feels unfulfilling and stagnant, it's probably time to change paths. You may have spent years enhancing your skills and networking within your current position. This may make it difficult to change your career. You might also feel like you're falling behind because of your lackluster work ethic and inability to see yourself as advancing.

By taking a step back to think about your legacy, you can avoid making unwise decisions in the short-term. You can avoid making decisions that are not in your organization's long-term interests.


How to Find a New Career