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Are you looking for a career change after becoming a mother?

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Do you want to find new careers after becoming a mom? If you are, you're not alone. Many mothers have dream careers that they had put on hold to take care their children. You might have missed the opportunity to follow your passion and are looking for ways to make it happen. Whatever the reason for your hesitation, it's important to evaluate your options.

Exploratory change

Exploratory change in career is the act of exploring potential career options. Many students aren't sure what their major is. There are many factors that can lead to this. They might have too many interests, or fear of making the wrong decision. If this is the case, it may be beneficial to seek out a career counselor or explore other options. It is also beneficial to take a Focus2 assessment. These assessments are available at the Career Design Center.

The Exploratory Areas of NDSU help students discover their interests and explore potential career paths. These areas contain a variety academic majors, which can lead you to a wide range of career paths.

Exploring new industries

Expanding your horizons is a great way of expanding your knowledge. You can find out more about the different types of jobs in a new industry by attending conferences, workshops, and classes. For further information, you might also want to read new books. Look for volunteer and contract opportunities in the area you are interested. These experiences can help to develop your skillset and build your portfolio.

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Traditional wisdom tells you that you should remain in one particular industry. But a career change can enhance your career and help to improve your personal life. This will allow you to explore a new industry, client base and learn about different working methods. You'll also be able transfer your knowledge and experience to other industries and add new perspectives to an existing field.

Exploring new career options

When you're preparing to explore new career options, you need to ask yourself a few questions. Is your current job in the "like" and "dislike" columns? If they fall in "dislike", you might consider switching careers. You can ask your friends and family for suggestions, or get their help in job hunting.

The exploration process is time-consuming but should be focused on the most important options. Reserve key courses or field experiences to be considered more seriously. This will help clarify your interests and narrow your choices.

Develop transferable skills

You need to think about your transferable knowledge and skills if you want to change careers. For job descriptions, or to find out the skills needed for your industry, ask professionals. Employers can use these skills to make your transition much simpler.

Some people worry that they don’t possess the required experience or the skills for the new job they are looking at. But that doesn't mean that you can't acquire the new skills and knowledge needed to land a job - it can help you stand out from the crowd and prove your value to an employer.

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Taking advantage of your network

To gain an advantage when changing careers, it is important to grow your network. Networking can help you get noticed and gain access to new opportunities, whether you're an employee, volunteer or just curious about a particular field. Networking is also a great way learn about industry trends.

Networking can help you gain the connections and insider knowledge you need in order to make a career move. You can also use it to create an action plan to help you market yourself to different industries. It can also help you locate reputable contractors. This is a great way of building professional relationships.


Are you looking for a career change after becoming a mother?